Swinefleet Primary School

Swinefleet Primary School

*Show Empathy *Be Honest *Show Initiative *Be Responsible *Show Respect *Be Supportive

Low Street, Goole, East Riding of Yorkshire, DN14 8BX



Pearls (2 year olds, N & R)


Mrs Clarkson and Mrs Thurlow are our Pearls teachers and work in partnership with Mrs Spence and Mrs Malone. 

Provision is adapted to the needs of each learner and Spread the Happiness techniques are incorporated within the teaching such as Squiggle Whilst You Wiggle and Dough Disco. 

In EYFS we follow the "Development Matters", which breaks down children's learning into age bands. A copy can be seen below. On the entry of any child into EYFS, we encourage parents to have a look at the document "What to expect, when" This document brakes down Development Matters into "I Can" statements.

 What Happens When.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2
 30hours free.docDownload
 Early years Parental Agreement.docxDownload
 Early Years Pupil Premium - Parent letter.docxDownload
 SPS Eyfs Extended Provision.xlsDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4


Pearls PE Kit needs to be in school from Monday to Friday please. We are asking the children to have their kit in school as getting changed is part of their development.

Provision for Nursery and

Two Year olds

We offer provision for FS1 all day , every day. Provision is run across the days and is optional to the sessions  to which you are entitled. All children are entitled to 15 hours free provision, and can be shared across settings, with some parents working 16 hours, entitled to 30 hours for Nursery children.

Please complete a provision form and indicate which hours your child will be with us.  Any changes to the sessions agreed upon must be indicated as soon as possible, unless it is an emergency.

If you wish to add to those hours a fee of £3.00 an hour is charged as well as a charge of £2.00 should your child require a school dinner, but is more than welcome to bring a packed lunch.

Also on entry to our FS1 unit, you will be asked to complete a Provision agreement.





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Spring 2 Knowledge Organiser, Medium Term Plan and Book Warmer

Spring 1 Knowledge Organiser, Medium Term Plan and Book Warmer

Autumn 2 Knowledge Organiser, Medium Term Plan and Book Warmer

Autumn 1 Knowledge Organiser, Medium Term Plan and Book Warmer

2023-2024  Knowledge Organisers, Medium Term Plans and Book Warmers

Summer 2  Knowledge Organiser, Medium Term Plan and Book Warmer

Summer 1  Knowledge Organiser, Medium Term Plan and Book Warmer

Spring 2 Knowledge Organiser, Medium Term Plan and Book Warmer

Spring 1  Knowledge Organiser, Medium Term Plan and Book Warmer

Autumn 2  Knowledge Organiser, Medium Term Plan and Book Warmer

Autumn 1  Knowledge Organiser, Medium Term Plan and Book Warmer


Previous Knowledge Organisers, Medium Term Plans and Book Warmers


People Who Help Us

Knowledge Organiser

Autumn Term 1


Step into Space

Knowledge Organiser

Autumn Term 2


Dinosaur Explorers

Knowledge Organiser

Spring Term 1


Nature Detectives

Knowledge Organiser 

Spring Term 2



Knowledge Organiser

Summer Term 1


Amazing Animals

Knowledge Organiser

Summer Term 2


People Who Help Us 

Medium Term Plan

Autumn Term 1


Step into Space

Medium Term Plan

Autumn Term 2


Dinosaur Explorers

Medium Term Plan

Spring Term 1


Nature Detectives

Medium Term Plan

Spring Term 2



Medium Term Plan 

Summer Term 1


Amazing Animals

Medium Term Plan 

Summer Term 2


People Who Help Us

Book Warmer


Step into Space 

Book Warmer


Dinosaur Explorers

Book Warmer


Nature Detectives

Book Warmer



Book Warmer


Amazing Animals

Book Warmer

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